Yesterday we met with some county citizen's to fashion a vision statement for Jefferson County. This will serve to inspire and focus of the community health assessment. As we met folks from around the county several common themes emerged from these meetings.
* Keeping the rural flavor of Jefferson County-Many people move here to get away from the hustle and bustle of urbanized society so as we grow we should remain faithful to our roots.
* THE PEOPLE!-Every community identified how our citizens are friendly, involved in our community, and just overall caring people.
* Reaching out to all ages- People of all ages can benefit from programs and assistance to make it easier for people to be healthy
Taking some of these themes, we came up with this statement for the future of Jefferson County.
A caring and compassionate community that is responsive to the County’s Citizens in a changing world, while maintaining a rich quality of life reflecting the rural essence of Jefferson County
Let us know if you have any comments. We would love to year them.
We want to thank again everyone that put in their time and energy, as well as the wonderful businesses that sponsored us. This process has given us as a community a chance to highlight and start a discussion on the different needs here. There will always be more opportunities to help as we press forward to a healthier, safer, and greater Jefferson County; make your voice heard.